06 July 2011

Le Clos des Sables Petition Presented Today

This afternoon I will be presenting the petition which was started by residents of Le Clos des Sables to ask Property Holdings not to go ahead with plans for the development of 2 green areas on the estate. The petition will be accompanied by a proposition and report which details the rationale behind the petition and details the desired action that the Minister should take. Readers can find the detail by clicking on the link above (which also includes maps of the proposals), but below is the extract from the petition itself. The petition was signed by 181 residents of the 216 (+/-) properties of the Estate and represent the vast majority of households.

Whilst the petition focuses on Le Clos des Sables soley, the Proposition does make it clear that the same concerns apply to Les Quennevais Park, both of which are adjoining, and the proposition as the Minister to 'consult fully with residents and parish representatives before any future proposals are pursued for the sale or development of public land in Le Clos des Sables or Les Quennevais Park.'

The Petition itself reads:

'The residents of Le Clos des Sables, St. Brelade are of the opinion that this estate has more than its fair share of development. The area is already very built-up; 
in addition there is a large secondary school in the form of Les Quennevais School right in the middle of the estate which brings with it corresponding large traffic flows at peak hours during term time. The residents believe that those green 
areas which remain provide a vital ‘breathing space’ – both physically and psychologically;  they enhance the aesthetics of the estate and in some cases provide an area for recreation. In summary, the residents oppose any new development for two reasons: 
(1) The open spaces are valued in their own right and would be missed if they were removed.

(2) The estate would become even more built up and busy.

We request the Minister for Treasury and Resources to instruct the Property Holdings 

Department not to proceed with plans for the proposed sale of 2 plots of public land
(one adjoining 116 and 123 Le Clos des Sables and the other separating 
132 and 145 

Le Clos des Sables).'

Thanks goes to the residents of the estate who organised the petition and did the majority of door knocking. I will update readers of future developments.


  1. Hi Monty.

    Put Some Audio up from last weeks Debate on getting back the 4 lost Senator's. A must listen.

    You can Listen HERE

  2. Montfort.

    Lenny Harper giving evidence PART TWO.
