This is the press release that Mark sent out on 15th July. I have left it as is for you to read:
Mark has resigned as the chair of the Jersey Climate Action Network to stand in the election. He will be arguing for urgent action on four policy areas.
He is calling for a credible enumerated plan of action to meet our Climate Change targets. Raising public awareness alone will not get us an 80% reduction on 1990 emission levels by 2050. The States consistently failed to meet even the simplest of obligations they undertook - a report back within 6 months of the outcomes of the Copenhagen Conference in 2009.
Additionally, he wants us to have a detailed programme to reduce our oil dependency and build resilience into our economy in the face of increasing energy prices. Again the commitments made in P52.2009 to produce an annual report on the impacts of Climate Change and Peak Oil have repeatedly not been met.
Food security must be given much higher priority. The World Food Summit of 1996 defined food security as existing "when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life". With GST increases, and commodity prices in foodstuffs rising rapidly, and future production falling behind demand, we must be prepared.
As a member of the Jersey Care Leaver's Association I am angry that the questions so many survivors and care leavers ask have been neglected and ignored by our States. What went so wrong over a period of forty years that recent court proven abuse went unchecked, un-actioned, unreported, un-prosecuted? Why were the child victims' voices not listened to then (or now, still)? Who knew, who turned a blind eye, who perhaps went further and actively colluded, or possibly covered up, and what was their relationship to those who should have listened, reported, prevented, and prosecuted? We must have answers.
Mark is a consultant software developer, organic smallholder and blogger. He was formerly a research engineer and briefly a Liberal Democrat county councillor in Nottinghamshire. We was on the national committee of the Liberal Ecology Group, and is a keen supporter of the Jersey Organic Association, J-CAN and Jersey In Transition groups. He and his family are happy and proud to live in St Ouen.